
Greetings followers.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


A colorful photo for a bright and sunny day. There's just something about this photo that makes me happy. These  colors are so vibrant, the smoothness of the fruit so enticing. I have it pinned up by my desk and it brightens every day. One of these days the perfect project will show up that will allow me to use these colors. Come to think of it, the green and orange are ones I've used as part of the new color scheme for this year's SmartTrips program which will focus on neighborhoods along Portland's MAX Green Line. This link will take you to last year's SmartTrips North/Northwest program.

Persimmons are harvested in November and I can't remember ever eating one. No matter.  The photo was in Sunset magazine, photographer was Kathryn Kleinman/Foodpix.  I love Sunset but it continually reminds me of how much I love gardening and how little of it I actually do. Maybe this Spring. Like the photo of the persimmon, gardening lifts my spirits.

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