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Thursday, January 21, 2010

A cool paper company

http://www.ghplp.comGrays Harbor Paper Company hosted a sweet lunch time show at Bridgeport Brewpub. They make the coolest, most sustainable paper around. A small, family-owned business, it is keeping hundreds of people employed in Hoquiam, Washington. They are Green e-certified and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC: check it out if you don't know about this: FSC is a certification system that provides internationally recognized standard-setting, trademark assurance and accreditation services to companies, organizations, and communities interested in responsible forestry. The FSC label provides a credible link between responsible production and consumption of forest products, enabling consumers and businesses to make purchasing decisions that benefit people and the environment as well as providing ongoing business value).

Grays Harbor Paper produces their paper with renewable energy which is all produced on-site, they use carbon neutral power (locally-gathered wood waste) which means no additional CO2 released into the air. Last year they could claim all 365 days they produced paper without burning any fossil fuels.  Their big push now is to close the loop in recycling paper. This means after you buy the paper from them, get the job printed, disseminate the piece, have the end user recycle it, the recycler takes it to a plant in Halsey, Oregon where it is re-pulped or whatever it is they do to it, then it is trucked back to Grays Harbor to be made into paper again. Close the Loop. Keep the entire process in the Northwest. Makes good business sense.

Also they donated the paper for Grays Harbor 2020 Vision and Action Plan, the visioning document for the area which I designed.



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