
Greetings followers.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Check out Scoop!

Organic hand made ice cream, super yummy! Just in time for warmer weather (we hope). Amanda Rhoads is making fabulously-flavored ice cream, exotic vanillas and cinnamons, luscious chocolate and peanut butter. Get to her cart in the new Food Cart mecca at N. Greeley and Killingsworth. In the meantime you can enjoy this retro logo which I have just completed for her. Follow Scoop on Facebook: Scoop:organic,handmade ice cream

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

In case you forgot about me . . .

here's why I've been out of contact... SOME of the projects I've worked on in the past month. A couple of weeks ago I had fourteen jobs at four different printers.


Majority is SmartTrips materials for the City of Portland's Green Line target area in East Portland. A series of organized walks, bike rides, classes and clinics to inspire people to use alternate forms of transportation AND get active.

This is the third year I've designed these materials.

A very successful program. Anybody who lives in the target area initially receives a mailer form which they can return to the City with all the items marked that they want. Their requested materials are then delivered .... by a bicyclist .... hired specifically for this job.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Latest project to print today

Here's the cover of the 20-page, Portland Children's Levy Annual Report, that I've finally finished and just uploaded to the printer's website. It has so many photos of adorable kids, thanks to Michael McDermott's fantastic eye and ability to catch the kids at the perfect moment. www.michaelmcdermott.com

I love working with all these photos . . . and colors, of course.  Here's the color palette for the report. Fun, young, vibrant ...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Auditor's Logo is a hit....

That I designed! Read all about it on Commissioner Leonard's blog.

Dancing Raindrops

My dancing raindrops bringing a Valentines message. If you arrow up and down they animate. The ever versatile raindrops!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tigard Dog Park Map

As part of The New Burnham Street construction project, the City of Tigard is designing a dog park. Here's an illustrative map I did for it. 

Friday, February 5, 2010

stuff i like

Such a sweet little piece. The illustration style is  light hearted and fun and the colors are unusual. It expresses the sentiment "cheers" perfectly. A sample from a paper company, Neenah, the paper is Classic Columns, a duplex cover sheet: Solar White on one side, Easter Chick Yellow on the other.

Interesting ... a similar color palette but in a more traditional style. This illustration is a cropped portion of one of a series of stamps that portrayed flowering trees from different geographical regions of the US. This is the Pacific Crab Apple. Stamps were 22¢ at the time. Looks like it was 1998.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


A colorful photo for a bright and sunny day. There's just something about this photo that makes me happy. These  colors are so vibrant, the smoothness of the fruit so enticing. I have it pinned up by my desk and it brightens every day. One of these days the perfect project will show up that will allow me to use these colors. Come to think of it, the green and orange are ones I've used as part of the new color scheme for this year's SmartTrips program which will focus on neighborhoods along Portland's MAX Green Line. This link will take you to last year's SmartTrips North/Northwest program.

Persimmons are harvested in November and I can't remember ever eating one. No matter.  The photo was in Sunset magazine, photographer was Kathryn Kleinman/Foodpix.  I love Sunset but it continually reminds me of how much I love gardening and how little of it I actually do. Maybe this Spring. Like the photo of the persimmon, gardening lifts my spirits.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A cool paper company

http://www.ghplp.comGrays Harbor Paper Company hosted a sweet lunch time show at Bridgeport Brewpub. They make the coolest, most sustainable paper around. A small, family-owned business, it is keeping hundreds of people employed in Hoquiam, Washington. They are Green e-certified and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC: check it out if you don't know about this: FSC is a certification system that provides internationally recognized standard-setting, trademark assurance and accreditation services to companies, organizations, and communities interested in responsible forestry. The FSC label provides a credible link between responsible production and consumption of forest products, enabling consumers and businesses to make purchasing decisions that benefit people and the environment as well as providing ongoing business value).

Grays Harbor Paper produces their paper with renewable energy which is all produced on-site, they use carbon neutral power (locally-gathered wood waste) which means no additional CO2 released into the air. Last year they could claim all 365 days they produced paper without burning any fossil fuels.  Their big push now is to close the loop in recycling paper. This means after you buy the paper from them, get the job printed, disseminate the piece, have the end user recycle it, the recycler takes it to a plant in Halsey, Oregon where it is re-pulped or whatever it is they do to it, then it is trucked back to Grays Harbor to be made into paper again. Close the Loop. Keep the entire process in the Northwest. Makes good business sense.

Also they donated the paper for Grays Harbor 2020 Vision and Action Plan, the visioning document for the area which I designed.



Some winter photos from central Oregon

Monday, January 18, 2010

Waterfalls falling

Boy were they falling yesterday in the Columbia Gorge. Lotsa rain means lotsa falls. Loved seeing new ones where they don't usually exist. Of course the classic is Multnomah Falls, with the perfectly-proportioned bridge to add perspective and scale. Natural beauty complemented with man-made (okay, human-made) engineering. Especially nice when there aren't a million people around, but then that's part of the beauty. Everybody, anybody, can discover magnificence here.

Friday, January 15, 2010

In the spirit of MLK day on Monday, check out this sidewalk art. It's on one of my walk routes.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti Help

So yeah, I created an account at Mercy Corps who I believe is  the best relief organization around, not to mention they are right down the street. So if you haven't yet, click on through and donate a buck or two.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Finally updating

Since my new website is set for release shortly, I have decided to get my blog blogging regularly. Daily? Most likely only weekly unless I have a slow week which, fortunately, I haven't had for awhile.

CHina Exhibit yesterday. Posters from Shenzen were very cool. Wish we had cool-looking characters to work with, they make our letterforms look very pedestrian and boring. I especially liked the poster that was made for a Buddhist monastery using the word "mind" (was that it?) and you could only see it from certain angles. It illustrates how our mind is truly free in the surroundings of the monastery where it doesn't have the delusions of society working on it.